速報APP / 遊戲 / 冰龍 - 讓砲彈墜落

冰龍 - 讓砲彈墜落


檔案大小:20.2 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


冰龍 - 讓砲彈墜落(圖1)-速報App

“Eye Pleasing Color Combinations”

“Impressive Sound Effects”

“Cool Graphics”

冰龍 - 讓砲彈墜落(圖2)-速報App


Ice Dragon comes in the category of bombing games. You are playing the role of a flying Ice Dragon, and you have to destroy all the snowmen on the ground. You are equipped with bombs with various powers. You can unlock the three out of four bombs later in the game and start the bombardment.

The Ice Dragon (You) will fly horizontally from one end of the screen to another of the screen. Once you reach the extreme left or the right side of the screen you will be supplied with 10 bombs. Tap on the screen to drop the bombs on the snowmen below you. Unlimited bombs in the packs of ten in each are supplied. You just have to clear the ground as soon as you can. The level of difficulty increases as you progress in the game. Later on, you will only have to bomb some particular items, and if you bomb others as well - Game Over!

冰龍 - 讓砲彈墜落(圖3)-速報App

+++Game Features+++

Unlimited Bombs

Challenging but Interesting game

冰龍 - 讓砲彈墜落(圖4)-速報App

Various Bomb Types

Online feature to play Ice Dragon with friends

冰龍 - 讓砲彈墜落(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad